Thursday, February 16, 2012

Kinship, Continuity, and Change

        Kin is the relation to someone by love or marriage. My family is very complex and I would like to take this section to try and explain my whole family to you! Okay so there is my mom and dad, simple enough, then it gets complicated. My dad was adopted as a baby, and recently met his biological mother. This means that I have 2 sets of grandparents on my dad’s side of the family. Next we have my mom’s mom who was also adopted. So in total I have 4 sets of grand/great grandparents. I have 5 aunts and 2 uncles, and so many cousins I cannot begin to count. For many years members of my extended family lived with us (this resembles the pre-modern family according to William Goode). We are all very close; however the members that live far away are seen the least. I love all my family and I don’t think I would be the person I am today if it weren’t for the extensive unit I call family. I have grown up around many different opinions, personalities, and values. This forces me to have an open mind, and appreciate everyone’s ideas. I wouldn’t trade my family for the world. My grandparents all came from extremely large families of many siblings, creating this massive network that I am a part of.

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