Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Eric Dishman: Take Healthcare off the Mainframe

This video really upset me because my grandmother is currently in the hospital due to a fall. I did not realize the conditions that seniors are put in until my grandmother was put in a home. She seemed to go very quickly downhill after she got put into the old folks home. My family thought she would receieve extensive care once we moved her into an extensive care home, but she fell all the same, and with an employee of the home in the very same room.

After I heard about this from my grandma it made me notice the commercials on T.V. more about elder abuse, and the campaigns going around the school. One campaign talked about how it is only required for seniors in homes to have a shower weekly, more if they feel like it. Once a week! I would be disgusted with myself if I only showered once a week.

I think we need to look at the people that are in homes and realize that they are our grandparents, parents, war veterens, volunteers, hard workers, honest, dependable people, and think seriously about the conditions they are exposed to after a life of hard work.

It really is disgusting and makes me not want to get old. I do not want to be put into those positions ever.

Gabor Mate

I quite agree with Dr. Gabor Mate`s idea on parenting. Too often we see parents that just want to be their child`s best friend, but when you are 5 years old you need guidance and protection, not a friend. I find this to be very common among divorced parents. Both parents want to be their child`s best friend, and the child ends up rebelling and pushing boundaries to the extreme because they don`t know where those boundaries are. All in all it is not healthy, not saying parents should be drill seargents, but they should definedly not be the best friend.

This view is also similar to Max Van Manen`s book "The tone of teaching" which said that teacher`s should be loving and authoritative not the best friend. It also talks about seeing the child for who they really are, not for what is seen on the surface.

Hyper parents and coddled kids

This video talks about how parents are so overprotective of their children, and also so extreme with putting their children into every sport, and advanced classes available.

First let`s talk about the extreme parents that put their kids into everything.

Is it really healthy to put your children into every possible sport, class possible? I understand that children are sponges and retain information very well, but how much is too much? I think children should be able to choose what they are put into, and encouraged and supported in whatever they enroll in. Not pushed to be a superchild at everything.

Next let`s talk about overprotective parents

These parents are the one`s that wìll not even let their children play in the backyard, won`t let them walk to school, or dress themselves. I do not think it is possible to learn independence, and responsibility if you are coddled to the point of insanity. We learn from experience, so putting full body gear and a rope on our children is not going to help them learn the dangers of real life. We all trip and fall, and run into a stranger, but if we are not put into these situations we cannot possibly know how to react to these situations in real life. Children are perfect learners and need to explore. I think that the media they receive such as violent television, and pornographic websites should be restriced, but not being able to play in the backyard has taken it a step too far.

Our parents let us play out in the road, and across the street at the local playground, we did not end up kidnapped or forever mentally scarred. So why should we coddle our children like they are an ancient artifact that should be kept in a glass box. LET YOUR KIDS OFF THE LEASH, let them learn initiative.

Mr. D

I liked this video and wanted to talk about the different communication styles present in the episode watched in class. First we have Mr. D being ever competitive in his conflict management style, every situation is a competition where he has to assert superiority. At the end of the episode we see Mr. D using a compromise to try and relate to "glasses" a girl on his basketball team when instead of telling her how to score a basketball, he helps her score. In the episode Mr.D using influence to try and recruit a girl from another team, he offers her parents a scholarship.

I think Mr. Nellis likes this T.V. episode so much because Mr. D looks like him and is goofy like him. :)

Peterson/Heinz Wedding entrance

I really enjoy this video and think it is an ultimate twist on the traditional marriage. I also feel that this couple is not very religous and quite modern! Love it

Terms for Mate selection

autonomous marriage (choosing your mate)
arranged marriage (having no choice over who you marry)

we marry those in our close proximity

marrying people that are similar to us with their beliefs and values.

The filter model
1. pool of eligibles
2. gender preference
3. propinquity
4. endogamy vs. exogamy
5. homogamy
6. value and role similarity
7. cohabitation, engagement

I am going to put these stages into examples
1. 7 billion people in the world
2. male or female
3. sex ratio in the community
4. people within a group or outside
5. choosing people like us
6. believing in religion
7. living together.

I completely agree with these stages, and think there is no other way to go through these stages. However I would add a stage called propinquity, which says dating people that either live near us or that we meet on the internet, because this is a very popular way of mate selection today.

Larson`s Model of the Development of Love

Larson`s model of Love talks about the different stages through which couples pass through to fulfill intimacy. Throught these stages we go from a low positive affect to the highest positive affect.
The stages are as follows`
1. Limited Rapport- Someone has characteristics that you admire
2. Rapport- Being comfortable around someone
3. Limited Transparency- Feeling comfortable telling someone secrets, and showing your true self.
4. Creative Interdependency- Your first priority is the relationship you have.
5 Crucial Transparency- Baring ones soul to the other
6. Self-Discovery- Learning about oneself through the relationship
7. Vital Transparency- Having unconditional love for one another.

In regards to the relationship I am currently in I find myself between the creative interdependency and crucial transparency stage, which is the farthest I have been in a relationship.

However this model I think should not be put in stages as I find myself going through numerous stages at the same time. As I am a very outgoing extrovert I share everything about myself even to friends, and with my closest friends my first priority is maintaining that relationship.

In this current generation I do not think many couples reach the vital transparency stage, because if more people did there would be less divorce in the world. That is not the case, as divorce is an ever increasing phenomenom.