Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Gabor Mate

I quite agree with Dr. Gabor Mate`s idea on parenting. Too often we see parents that just want to be their child`s best friend, but when you are 5 years old you need guidance and protection, not a friend. I find this to be very common among divorced parents. Both parents want to be their child`s best friend, and the child ends up rebelling and pushing boundaries to the extreme because they don`t know where those boundaries are. All in all it is not healthy, not saying parents should be drill seargents, but they should definedly not be the best friend.

This view is also similar to Max Van Manen`s book "The tone of teaching" which said that teacher`s should be loving and authoritative not the best friend. It also talks about seeing the child for who they really are, not for what is seen on the surface.

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