Wednesday, March 28, 2012

4 functions of Dating (skipper and nass)

This lesson talked about the functions of dating today:
1. Recreation
2. Socialization
3. Status Achievement
4. Mate Selection

I think these are the only reasons people date. I also think that up until the end of high school people are mainly dating for recreation, socialization and status achievement. However when we finish school the main reason is either status achievement and mate selection. When we are in school we just look for someone to hangout with, and someone to make us look more popular.

In this lesson we also talked about when girls and guys have the upper hand in getting mates. For girls it is 20 years old and males it is much older. This is because girls are at our peak of attractiveness at 20 and men are most successful when much older.

Finally we talked about the article in Time Magazine that asked the question Is it time to stop waiting for Mr. Right? I would like to discuss this question in more detail.

First we must ask the question who is Mr. Right? Is he the guy from romance movies that is super romantic and moves the stars for you? What about the guy who is a bad ass with a wicked body? Or someone who is super wealthy? Or just that one guy that makes your heart sink everytime he is around?

Next we must wonder if the standards we have are just absurd? Also if we have these ridiculously high expectations of our husband, what if that guy has the same ridiculous standards? Do we measure up to his expectations?

Finally we must realize that if we are eternally searching for this guy, we might end up being allone forever, or not find him until we are old and not as sexually desirable.

I think if you cannot stand something about someone to the point that it makes you not attracted to them, then you should move onto so something else. Also if your partner is abusive in any way, do not stay with him even if he is rich, attractive, famous or whatever. As humans we all have flaws, and to expect someone to have no flaws is unrealistic. If someone makes you happy, and there is nothing about them that makes you want to pull out your hair then stay with them.

One man a long time ago told me that the key to a successful marriage is to marry your best friend, not some hot, rich, jerk. :)

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